Re-registering as an existing member
Please note, registrations for players under 16 years of age must be completed by a parent or guardian.
1. Login to the BAFA portal here –
Your Username and Password will be the same as they were when you set up your membership. If you cannot remember the password please select the ‘forgot password’ link. If you have forgotten your Username please contact or ask Amanda to check for you! DO NOT create a new profile.
2. Once logged into the BAFA system, click on ‘my profile’.
3. Please take this opportunity to ensure your profile details are up to date. Click the Update Details button to make any changes required. Once done, click on BAFA membership.
If you belong to one than one club – for example, you play Adult flag with one, and Women’s Contact for another, please select the club you want to purchase a membership for at this point. You can do this by clicking on the three white dots next to the club and clicking on ‘make primary’
4. When you have done this, select ‘add’.
Five options are now available to you. Contact and Flag are for players only. Then you have Coach, Non-Coaching Staff (for roles such as gameday manager, physiotherapist, statistician etc) and PlayerCoach (you will need to scroll over slightly for these options using the arrow icon). Select the appropriate option for the team you want to register for.
- Contact – if you are a player for any of our teams
- Coach – if you coach any of our teams but are not also a player
- Player / coach – if you coach any of our teams, and also play
- Non-coaching staff – physio, stats, photographer etc
You will then be presented with something that looks like this:
5. Please complete the details. Your current team should appear here on the drop down menu. Please select the correct option of:
• East Kilbride Pirates Adult Contact (senior team)
• East Kilbride Pirates Women’s Contact (16+)
• East Kilbride Pirates U16 contact (13-16 years)
• East Kilbride Pirates U19 contact (16-19 years)
Remember, if you play for one team and also coach with another, you should register as a player coach. If you coach for multiple teams, then select your primary team when registering – Amanda will make sure you’re on all required rosters.
If you registered last year and your ID was accepted, you will NOT need to load up new ID again. If, for any reason, your ID was rejected (due to poor quality images for example) or has expired since uploaded, you will need to re-upload one form of acceptable forms of ID. Documents accepted:
• Passport
• British Driving Licence
• Identity Card (such as Young Scot card or college ID card)
• Birth certificate
• Parental ID if none in child’s name
A pending approval message will then appear on the screen if the item has been successfully uploaded. This can be ignored at this time – note, ID does NOT need to be approved for your to complete your registation.
Members under 16 will also need to confirm parental consent.
If you are a non-UK national, you will also be asked to upload proof of normal residency in the UK – this can be a council tax bill, UK drivers licence, residency permit, HMRC letter etc. If you are registering a child, this can be in the name of a parent.
6. Scroll down and select finish.
You will then be taken to the payment page. Please check to see if all details are correct and that the correct fee has been applied.
There will be an option to print your invoice confirmation once you have made your payment. You will also receive your confirmation via email.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact registrations on or Amanda at or by text at 07920 252604.
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